Heartworm disease is a parasitic infection that affects your dog's heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
It is contracted when your dog is bitten by a mosquito carrying the sickness.
Microfilariae are left behind by mosquito bites, which develop into larvae, later growing into adult heartworms.
There are four phases of heartworm illness, and the symptoms you experience will vary depending on your puppy's stage.
The first stage may not have any symptoms at all or may only have a little cough.
In stage 2, your dog may become a little more tired than usual, as well as develop a faint cough.
Stage 3 is when the symptoms may become more noticeable.
You'll probably notice tiredness after light exertion, a persistent cough, and some trouble breathing at this point.
The fourth stage is, without a doubt, the most dangerous.
At this point, the number of worms inside your dog may be enough to produce a blockage in blood flow returning to your dog's heart.
This normally necessitates emergency surgery and, if untreated, can be dangerous.