Dermatophilosis is a skin illness that is more common in hot, wet, or humid regions.
This ailment is uncommon in cats, but when it does develop, cats with damp skin or skin damaged by parasitic bites, such as fleas or ticks, or other types of wounds are more likely to contract it.
Wet skin and scabs are more prone to infection because moisture promotes the germination of zoospores and the development of hyphae, a fungal cell, throughout the body.
Humidity contributes to higher infection rates by providing an environment for parasitic insects to breed, leaving the cat’s skin vulnerable to infection.
If you notice pus-filled lumps, abscesses, or crusted scabs in the mouth or under the skin with no obvious explanation, you may have dermatophilosis.
This is especially true if your cat has been exposed to cattle, sheep, or horses (or has been around people or animals that have been in such an environment).
If you feel this is the case, you should seek treatment from your veterinarian.